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Participation on the Advisory Committee on VET

On 4 June, the DES team (JRC) presented the work on digital transformation of the VET sector with a special focus on artificial intelligence at the Advisory Committee on Vocational training (ACVT), organised by DG EMPL in Brussels.

date:  19/06/2024

This meeting, chaired by Manuela Geleng (DG EMPL), reunited 72 ACTV members and observers from interest groups: governments, trade unions and employers’ representatives. This forum reunites representatives from all Member States, and in this occasion, also from 5 candidate countries. 

In this opportunity, the focus of the discussion was on: 

  • the European Year of Skills 

  • VET teachers and trainers 

  • the role of Artificial Intelligence in the VET sector 

The Advisory Committee on Vocational training is a tripartite Committee established by a Council Decision of 1963 (updated in 2004). Find more information on their work.