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On the Futures of Technology in Education: Emerging Trends and Policy Implications

This Science for Policy report aims to map emerging technologies and trends with high potential to influence the future of education, including new connectivity infrastructures such as 5G and 6G, immersive reality technologies, digital credentials or generative Artificial Intelligence.

Report cover
© European Union

date:  12/09/2023

Beyond offering detailed technical information, the report discusses all these innovations against the background of learning theory, in order to properly unpack their potential role in teaching, learning and the organization of education at large.

The future does not exist yet, and there cannot be facts about yet-to-be futures that could justify policy choices. This is one of the reasons why policy development needs experimentation and exploration of imagined futures. These can be supported by knowledge and argument, but the report stresses that choices are ultimately rooted on values.

Visions of technological futures, therefore, should be accompanied with explicit discussion of ethics. 

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