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For to all those who have, will more be given? Evidence from the adoption of the SELFIE tool for the digital capacity of schools in Spain

The publication analyses the role that public programmes promoting digitalisation through self-assessments can play in closing or widening the digital capacity gap between schools.

For to all those who have, will more be given? Evidence from the adoption of the SELFIE tool for the digital capacity of schools in Spain

date:  21/06/2022

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The key results are:
- When schools decide autonomously, the ones with low digital capacity levels tend to participate more in SELFIE.
- Incorporation of SELFIE into broader public programmes enlarges participation in SELFIE.
- But adding SELFIE into broader public programmes can over-attract digitally advanced schools.

Public policies that promote self-assessment exercises of schools' digital capacity should be carefully designed to reduce inequalities and reach those schools most in need of digitalisation. It would help to fight the digital divide and the Matthew effect.

Authors: Jonatan Castaño, Artur Pokropek and our team mate Lilian Weikert García.

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