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These three MOOCs, offered by INTEF, SHERPA Project and School Education Gateaway, will help you in different ways to progress in your digital journey.

date:  20/10/2021

Diseña el Plan Digital de tu centro

Date: 25 October 2021

This MOOC, in addition to offering participants the opportunity to learn about the JRC’s European Framework for Digitally Competent Educational Organisations and how to use it in the process of school improvement, presents the updated self-reflection tool SELFIE, specifically designed to help schools to integrate digital technologies into teaching, learning and student assessment. It highlights what works in a school, where improvement is needed and what the priorities should be. More information here.

Empowering your school’s digital capacity: from reflection to innovation action plans

Date: from 1 November to 28 November 2021

This course is an online training proposal by the SELFIE HelperR & Pedagogical Innovation Assistant (SHERPA) Erasmus+ project with which you will get a clearer picture of how the learning community sees and feels about digital education in your school: how its members see to what extent digital technologies are embedded in your school’s educational context and how they feel about their competence and capacity to contribute. More information here.

School Education Gateway MOOC:
Building a School Digital Strategy with the SELFIE tool

Dates: 25 October / 1 December 2021

The course will help you to take a snapshot of your school’s current use of digital technologies and set out a path for improvement, thereby setting the foundation for a school digital strategy. The course shows participants how to use the SELFIE tool in their school and how to develop a more comprehensive strategy based on the results offered by the tool. School staff holding a transversal or leadership role is particularly encouraged to enrol.

Watch the classroom based video! More information here.