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SELFIE in the conference "Re-inventing Education"

Nikoleta Giannoutsou, SELFIE project leader, participated in a panel discussion at the International conference "Reinventing Education" organised by the Journal Scuola Democratica.

date:  20/10/2021

The panel explored different perspectives and ideas for "Scaling Up Innovation: From Educational Practices to Systemic Change".

This panel was organised by Dr. Elisabetta Mughini, Research Director of Indire (Istituto Nationale Documentazione Innovazione Ricerca Educativa), Italy's Research and Innovation Institute for the Italian Schools.

Nikoleta Giannoutsou talked about how SELFIE can offer an instrument based approach to systemic change for the digital empowerment of schools. The main point of the talk was that SELFIE can support systemic change through three types of activities by:

  • providing a common language to the education community to discuss about the digital technologies,
  • offering the structure and the processes for the engagement of the school community to develop a strategic plan for the integration of digital technologies in the schools and
  • introducing a culture of an ongoing self- reflection.

The overall aim is SELFIE to contribute to the development of schools as learning organisations.