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More than 4 million users!

In a year and a half, SELFIE has quadrupled its number of users. It is now close to five million. The tool is still riding a wave!

SELFIE EU 4 million users

date:  22/02/2023

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  1. April 2021: 1 million users
  2. November 2021: 2 million users
  3. April 2022: 3 million users
  4. November 2022: 4 MILLION USERS!

Don't miss the video we prepared for the occasion:

In just one year and a half, SELFIE has quadrupled its number of users. As of today, the tool is about to reach five million users.

But what is behind these numbers?

The steady increase of users numbers has behind it education communities eager to analyse and reflect upon their use of digital technologies, in a context where it becomes part of everyday life in education in Europe. Large schools with more than thousand students to small primary schools, have used SELFIE to reflect on how they use digital technologies. All together, are our community of users and the core of our work.

In parallel, education authorities of several countries have proposed to schools to use SELFIE, bringing on board hundreds of thousands new users: Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Moldova for example, have integrated the use of SELFIE in local or national education policies, as an instrument to support schools to develop a strategic approach in using digital technologies in their practice . Such initiatives entail coordination and collaboration between the policy makers and the schools, and from the SELFIE team we would like to give them a heartfelt congratulation for this effort.

Congratulations to all!