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SELFIE for work-based learning reports

The results of the pilots contributed to improve SELFIE for work-based learning to be ready for its use.

date:  20/10/2021

SELFIE for work-based learning began its journey in 2018. LaIts official launch took place on 8 October 2021 during the second SELFIE Forum.

In this process, different actions were taken, such as a feasibility study, a piloting with more than 35,000 participants in 9 countries and an international experts workshop to test and improve the new module.

In the following global report about all SELFIE WBL country pilots,  it is available information about the background and context of the version for the WBL sector and show all development steps that it has taken from an initial idea in 2018 to finalisation in 2021.

The results of the pilots contributed to improve the new module – SELFIE WBL- to be ready for its use.

Pilot reports from Hungary, Germany, Romania and Poland, and other participating countries:

On the European Training Foundation Website has been published the report “SELFIE FOR WORK-BASED LEARNING PILOTS in Georgia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey” as part of the joint project of the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC, B.4) and the European Training Foundation (ETF) on SELFIE WBL.

*Please note that to access these four articles you must register (for free) on the ETF Open Space platform.

SELFIE for work-based learning pilots in Georgia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey | ETF (