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Reflecting 4 Change

Promoting the use of self-reflection tools to support innovation and systemic change in schools.

date:  22/06/2021

Reflecting for Change is an Erasmus+ Forward-Looking Cooperation Project that promotes the use of self-reflection tools to support innovation and systemic change in education and training institutions. It explores how schools can move from self-reflection to developing a comprehensive plan of action that utilises the results of a self-evaluation exercise.

R4C looks at how schools can be supported in using self-reflection tools to understand the current position of the organisation and build on the results to define and implement suitable action plans by providing a step-by-step support mechanism for school heads and teachers. The project studies the actual processes and unique pathways from self-reflection results to concrete actions in the school as a learning ecosystem, in key areas such as continuous professional development for teachers, school management, school openness, technology integration, innovation uptake, community engagement, social responsibility and others.

Currently, pilots with schools are taking place in order to evaluate the effects of the proposed approach by implementing numerous activities and exploiting at the same time the opportunities offered by major ongoing initiatives and reforms, in Greece, Portugal and Italy. The project is implemented with a bottom up approach in 300 primary and secondary schools, in urban as well as rural areas with 1,500 teachers and 15,000 students participating in the R4C activities.

Between 5-9th July, R4C is organizing the Open Schooling Summer School 2021. The Summer School aims at supporting participants in working with the open schooling approach that provides a powerful framework for school heads and teachers to engage, discuss and explore:

  • how schools need to evolve, transform and reinvent;
  • how schools facilitate open, more effective and efficient co-design, co-creation;
  • use of educational content tools and services for personalized science learning and teaching;
  • how schools can become innovation incubators and accelerators.

Anyone interested to join the summer school, click here.