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New questions on online and blended learning

SELFIE continues to be an important tool to support schools in their digital journey. That is why we have added new questions and statements within the tool's questionnaire on online and blended teaching and learning.

date:  19/02/2021

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Schools have been forced to find solutions to the problems that have been brought to light by the pandemic:

  • Student equity
  • Availability of internet devices at home
  • Student resilience
  • Autonomy
  • Communication with parents

This is why we have added a series of questions for teachers and students on online and remote teaching and learning:

Do they have adequate study space and access to appropriate devices?

Can they use the digital tools and applications necessary for teaching and learning?

What do they do if they need technical help?

We have also added questions on learner resilience and autonomy:

Do learners learn to manage the challenges and difficulties they face in distance learning?

How do they manage their time and structure their learning?

The current pandemic should be looked at not only as an unprecedented challenge, but also as an opportunity to rethink education. The questions in SELFIE are designed to support immediate needs of online and remote learning, but also to plan in the long term, and to harness the progress made in the use of digital technologies for more equitable, inspiring and efficient education.

You can see the new questions on the SELFIE resources page. And also you can read this article on our news page.