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Animal Welfare: Commission publishes Staff Working Document on the “Dogs and Cats” proposal

date:  26/03/2024

Today, the Commission has published a Staff Working Document (SWD), which complements the proposal, tabled last December, for new EU rules on the welfare and traceability of dogs and cats. The SWD provides an overview of the commercial keeping, breeding and trade in cats and dogs in the EU, as well as their current traceability. With 44% of EU citizens possessing a companion animal, the trade in dogs and cats is a growing economic activity, worth an estimated EUR 1.3 billion a year and directly employing around 300 000 people.

The SWD is based on extensive consultations with stakeholders, Member States' authorities, operators and NGOs. The information and data gathered supported the Commission's proposal, which is currently being discussed by the co-legislators. The new rules will establish, for the first time, uniform EU welfare standards for the breeding, housing and handling of dogs and cats in breeding establishments and pet shops as well as shelters.

The new rules will also improve the system for identification and registration of dogs and cats, which helps to tackle illegal trade. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also provided scientific and technical support for the aspects related to the welfare of dogs and cats.

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