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The EU grants Moldova listed status for poultry and eggs

date:  09/03/2023

Yesterday, Moldova was approved as a country that can export processed poultry meat and table eggs to the EU Member States. The decision follows a recent PAFF Committee meeting, during which Member States unanimously voiced their support for the Commission’s draft legislation to list Moldova for these animal products. This development comes after ongoing discussions between Moldova and the EU, that has provided their neighbouring country substantial assistance since the EU-Moldova Association Agreement (AA) was published in 2014. The Agreement has sought to allow Moldova to gradually move closer to the sanitary and phytosanitary, and animal welfare requirements in the European Union. The current decision is further evidence that the efforts of the Moldovan veterinary authorities over recent years is beginning to pay off. Moldova will now look to expand its authorisation to fresh poultry meat on which discussions with the European Commission are ongoing.

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