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European Dairy Association

Fact sheet on food loss and waste prevention in the dairy chain

© European Dairy Association

date:  02/07/2021

The European dairy industry is a key contributor to sustainable food systems, and accelerating progress towards halving food waste by 2030 is an essential part of this effort. The sector is fully aware of the importance of further reducing losses of valuable resources and waste of final dairy products, especially given the huge share of overall greenhouse gas emissions linked to this waste and the negative impact of packaging on the environment.

As such, the efficient use of resources is an integral part of the sustainability strategy of many dairy companies and overall dairy strategic approach.

In May 2021, the European Dairy Association has published a factsheet which includes information about the European dairy sector’s actions and initiatives addressing food loss and waste:

>> EDA factsheet ‘Food loss and waste prevention in the dairy chain’

© European Dairy Association