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First compositional analysis of bio-waste in Slovenia; 'Food, not waste' - a Slovenian targeted research programme; the first Slovenian Day Without Food Waste

‘Food, not waste’ project, Slovenia

date:  22/04/1999

'Food, not waste', a Slovenian targeted research programme

Image: © ‘Food, not waste’ project, Slovenia

The Slovenian project 'Food, not waste': prevention, reduction and use of waste food (p.n. V4-2011, ongoing from 01.11.2020 to 31.10.2022) is funded through the Slovenian Research Agency and the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The project focuses on different parts of the food supply chain (as sources of food waste), particularly before the final consumer, and on the different management models (as a way of acting, tracking and linking for the prevention and reduction of surplus food, as well as possible use of food waste).

The main methodology of the project is based on the participatory approach, bringing together key actors, including companies, final consumers and other stakeholders. Within the framework of the project, interested partners will form thematic working groups.

Interested stakeholders may follow the ongoing project activities and results on:

>> Facebook: @HranaNiOdpadek

>> Linkedin: @hrana-ni-odpadek

© ‘Food, not waste’ project, Slovenia


First compositional analysis of bio-waste in Slovenia

Last autumn, the Slovenian project CARE4CLIMATE (funded through the EU’s LIFE Programme - LIFE 17 IPC/SI/000007)* presented the methodology for compositional analysis of bio-waste aiming to determine food waste levels in households. The spring/summer round of analyses will be carried out from April to the end of June and the autumn/winter round from November to the end of February 2022.

The bio-waste compositional analysis is a first for Slovenia and will bring important insights on the share of food waste in bio-waste, including the amounts of edible and inedible food. For a better understanding of the types of food and the respective quantities that are wasted, the project will invite all Slovenian households to complete a one-week household diary on food waste in October or November.

Based on gathered data, Slovenia can take targeted actions against food waste in households

* For more information about the Slovenian project CARE4CLIMATE, please check a previous news item from the newsletter’s November 2020 edition: ‘Tackling food waste in Slovenia with the LIFE project CARE4CLIMATE’.



The first Slovenian Day Without Food Waste

In April 2021, the Eco-School Programme and Lidl Slovenia organized the first Slovenian Day Without Food Waste to raise awareness about food waste.

The initiative began in March 2021 with a short story competition, attracting over 200 families to send in their creations. 5 of these creations were selected and brought to life in illustrations made by young artists. They were then displayed as billboards across Slovenia, showcasing the numerous possibilities of how we can all play our part in preventing food waste. The stories were also published on a dedicated website, on which people could also find ideas about how to reduce food waste.

Educational institutions organised activities for children to learn about food waste prevention, media reported widely on the issue and a live cooking show took place and was webstreamed through Lidl Slovenia’s Facebook page. A famous mother-daughter tandem showcased recipes made from leftover food, while guests spoke about the problem of food waste in its journey from farm to fork.

People were also invited to sign a pledge to treat food responsibly. Numerous high-ranking officials joined the initiative and expressed support for the Slovenian Day Without Food Waste to become part of the national calendar.

Primary School: Lava Celje (practical work)

© Teacher Brigita Gaberšek (OŠ Lava)

Primary School: Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu (pupil - Eco detective)

© Teacher Renate Bašek (OŠ Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu)

Primary School: Olge Meglič Ptuj (active pupils)

© Teacher Tatjana Ciglar (OŠ Olge Meglič Ptuj)

Kindergarten: Stopiče (poster with Commitment on Slovenian Day without food waste)

© Teacher Maja Klobučar (Vrtec Stopiče)