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Hungarian Food Bank Association

Hungarian Food Bank Association and Munch enter a strategic partnership

date:  24/03/2021

The Hungarian Food Bank Association and Munch, a Food Saving Social Enterprise, have concluded an investment agreement. Thanks to the cooperation between the food bank and Munch, food surplus occurring in the hospitality sector will also become available to people in need in the future.

Munch is a fast-growing Hungarian online platform, through which already more than 150 companies in the hospitality sector - restaurants, bakeries, shops and hotels – are selling discounted unsold but high-quality food in several Hungarian cities. However, some of the food packages offered by the restaurants remain unsold, despite their discounted price. These food items are thrown away, even though they could be of great help to many people in need. The Hungarian Food Bank Association, thanks to its national network of partner organisations, is able to reach those in need who are happy to receive the aforementioned remaining portions.

Thanks to the partnership between the Hungarian food bank and Munch, the latter will be complemented by a new social service, whereas the former will be able to commit new resources to its core business, i.e. food rescue, so that it can provide more food to people in need.


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