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United Nations Food Systems Summit, Fall 2021

The United Nations Food Systems Summit in 2021 will reinforce global engagement for a just transition to sustainable food systems

UN Food Systems Summit 2021

date:  16/01/2021

The Summit will launch bold new actions to deliver progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals, each of which relies to some degree on healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems. It is convened by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and it will be a call to all stakeholders across the food value chain to work closely together to take and scale up action in order to transform the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about food.

The Summit will build around five Action Tracks:

  • Action Track 1: Ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all
  • Action Track 2: Shift to sustainable consumption patterns
  • Action Track 3: Boost nature-positive production
  • Action Track 4: Advance equitable livelihoods
  • Action Track 5: Build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stress

Food loss and waste is part of Action Track 2, as the latter promotes the reuse and recycling of food resources, especially among the most vulnerable, and recognises the need to eliminate wasteful patterns of food consumption. In this context, the Summit will provide a new impetus in the fight against food loss and waste at global level.

Take action!

The Summit’s success relies on the active involvement of all actors across the world’s food systems sharing their expertise and views. Please find below various ways in which you can get involved: