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‘Europe in School’: Reducing food waste by engaging primary school pupils in an annual competition

date:  15/11/2020

Europe in School is an annual competition that aims to familiarise children and young people with European matters linked to the objectives for sustainable development. The competition is organized by the Slovenian Association ‘Friends of Youth’.

This year’s topic is food waste and the competition is titled ‘Če kruhek pade ti na tla, poberi in poljubi ga(If you drop the bread on the floor, pick it up and kiss it).

Overall, the competition aims to address social issues that people might face at home, by promoting a creative resolution of these issues, while strengthening mutual understanding, tolerance and solidarity. By acquiring new knowledge and skills, as well as by encouraging a critical attitude towards events within the immediate and wider environment, the project contributes to the development of youth’s creativity and ability of independent, critical thinking and judgment. In addition, the goal of the competition is to promote experience and expression in all fields of art: language, visual art, photography and video art.