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Annual Food Waste Week culminated with a ‘Food waste battle’ between schools

date:  15/11/2020

During this year’s National Food Waste Week, held between 7 and 13 September 2020 and organised in Finland since 2013, many different local events and campaigns have been carried out, such as ‘Feeding the 5000’ and food waste festivals. This year’s event culminated with a ‘food waste battle’ for 8th and 9th grade students, organised by the sustainable development company Motiva Oy.

Students were asked to prepare two-course meals using food surplus from local grocery stores and to share pictures of the meals on Instagram. In October 2020, the competition jury selected and rewarded the student groups who prepared the most delicious looking meals.

In the context of this competition, students learned how to reduce food waste at home and became familiar with important facts related to food waste, such as the amount of food wasted in Finland and globally, as well as the reasons behind it. This year, over 8.000 students from 120 schools participated in the challenge, posting nearly 500 inspiring meals made from surplus food on Instagram, with the hashtag #hävikkibattle2020


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