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Animal welfare: 8th meeting of the EU Platform to discuss Farm to Fork actions and European Citizens' Initiative

date:  27/10/2020

On Tuesday 3 November, Health and Food Safety Commissioner, Stella Kyriakides, will participate in the eight meeting of the EU Platform on Animal Welfare where she will have the opportunity to update the members on the ongoing actions of the Commission under the Farm to Fork Strategy. The agenda of the Platform includes presentations by the European Commission, as well as by the NGO “Compassion in World Farming”, on the European Citizens' Initiative “End the Cage Age”. The German Presidency’s priorities on Animal welfare will be discussed whilst the Commission will present the first outcomes of the new subgroup on labelling as well as the latest achievements of three of the 'own initiatives' created by members of the Platform. The one-day meeting will be web-streamed (from 09:30 CET).

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