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New study shows reduction of food waste in Hungarian households & food stockpiling guide developed for consumers

date:  22/10/2020

New data available: Food waste decreased in Hungarian households by 4%

On the occasion of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) published the results of the most recent Hungarian household food waste measurement study, which was conducted in the end of 2019, involving 165 households. The research methodology used to conduct the measurement was based on the EU FUSIONS project recommendations.

According to the data, food waste generated within the Hungarian households was estimated to be 65.5 kilograms per capita annually. This study was a replication of the first Hungarian household food waste measurement exercise, conducted in 2016, using the same methodology. Between the two periods (2016-2019), a 4% reduction was observed, despite a 16% increase in consumers’ purchasing power (taking into account both prices and disposable income).

The research was co-funded by the European Union’s LIFE Programme. The results have been published in the Sustainability journal. The full paper is available at this link.


Food stockpiling guide for consumers

The Wasteless programme published a guide for consumers, as a response to stockpiling behaviours taking place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The guide takes into account the average nutritional needs of an adult, highlighting the importance of keeping food stocks of up to two-weeks maximum. The guide also provides advice on the optimal amount of food products that should be stocked, as well as the composition of the stock. Last but not least, the guide shares useful tips on preventing food waste. The campaign is advertised on Facebook by means of a game based on a Tetris Challenge.

The guide is available in Hungarian at this link.