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#Verspillingsvrij date marking campaign & Donald Duck special food waste issue.

date:  21/09/2020

#Verspillingsvrij campaign: less food waste by handling date markings properly

The consumer awareness campaign #Verspillingsvrij was launched in the Netherlands in 2019 by Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (Food Waste Free United) and continued throughout 2020, with date marking as the main theme.

Almost half of Dutch people are aware of the difference between ‘Best Before’ and ‘Use By’ dates. Throughout July and August 2020, the campaign explained the meaning of the two date markings through TV spots and online marketing activities, providing advice on how to act according to the date. For products labeled ‘Best Before’: after the date, consumers were asked to look, smell and taste the product; if everything is normal, the product is fine to eat. For products labeled ‘Use By’, consumers were asked to use or to freeze the product before or on the date.

By handling date markings better, an average Dutch person should be able to prevent about 5 kilos of food waste every year.

You can watch the TV spots on YouTube (English subtitles are available):

Donald Duck and Food Waste Free at school

A special free issue of the Donald Duck magazine dedicated to food waste prevention was distributed to 4.500 schools in the last week of August and the first week of September. Students from 9 to 12 years old learned about food waste in a fun way and what they can do about it. The magazine was coupled with the teaching package "Taste Lessons" about preventing food waste.

© Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality