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Increased feed use from surplus food and production residues, news from the Swedish Food Agency on food waste in public meals and publications about the Gothenburg model for lesser food waste.

date:  19/06/2020

Increased feed use from surplus food and production residues

A new report from the Swedish food waste authorities investigates and discusses how to increase the use as feed from surplus food and production residues. If products intended for food cannot be eaten by humans, it is more resource efficient for surplus food and production residues to be used as feed than to end up as waste in one form or another. This report describes the legislation governing the area and the use of surplus food and production residues as feed in Sweden. Difficulties and opportunities on this matter have been investigated and more information can be found at the links below:

News from the Swedish Food Agency on food waste in public meals

Mapping of food waste in municipal pre-schools, schools and elderly homes (2019)

Meal managers in Sweden’s municipalities were invited to voluntarily respond to a survey on food waste occurring from lunches offered in public operations, meaning pre-schools, schools and elderly homes. 211 of Sweden’s 290 municipalities reported some data on food waste.

You can download the report here. The report is in SE, but an EN Summary is included.


Handbook for reduced food waste occurring from activities in the public meal sector

The Swedish Food Agency has recently launched a handbook [available only in SE] about reducing food waste in public meals such as preschools, schools, elderly care and hospitals. It is based on the Gothenburg model for less food waste and supplemented with measures for reducing plate waste, amount of consumed food and the national model for measuring food waste in public meals.

Related links: