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Use of pesticides : Commission launches a feedback mechanism on harmonised risk indicators

date:  29/11/2018

The Commission has launched the Feedback Mechanism on a draft Commission Directive to establish harmonised risk indicators to estimate trends in risk from pesticide use.

Directive 2009/128/EC (The Sustainable Use Directive) establishes a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides. Harmonised Risk Indicators are necessary to measure progress in meeting the main objective of the Directive - the reduction of risks from pesticide use for human health and the environment.

The Commission has developed the draft Directive to establish the first EU-wide indicators in this area. It is planned to develop further indicators in the future when the relevant data becomes available.

The two indicators in this draft Directive estimate the trends in overall risk from pesticide use based on the quantities of pesticides sold, the categories of substance and the specific risks linked to emergency authorisations granted under Art 53 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009.

Both indicators will be calculated at EU and Member State level each year, and the results made publicly available. Member States are encouraged to develop their own national indicators in addition to the Harmonised Indicators

Further information is available on the Sustainable Use website.

You are invited to provide your comments on this draft Commission Directive.