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Health and Food Safety Directorate General

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Food Safety
Get involved in the EU online dialogue on sustainable food systems
The European Commission is organising an online dialogue with Europeans on 12-13 July 2021 to prepare our inputs for the UN Secretary-General’s Food Systems Summit, which will take place in September 2021.

If you have ideas on how to achieve sustainability in European and global food systems, please register at one of the links, which are available in English, French and German.

Everyone is welcome to register, as it is important to have a diversity of viewpoints. If you are selected, you will be invited to express your views on sustainable food systems on one of the topics below:

  • Green claims and sustainable food labelling
  • Sustainable production
  • Sustainable and healthy diet
  • Prevention and reduction of Food waste
  • Antimicrobial resistance

For more information:

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