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Targeting Stop Food Waste awareness to younger male segment of Irish population

EPA Stop Food Waste

date:  20/05/2021

The Irish Environmental Protection Agency ran an awareness campaign in April 2021 targeted to men in the 25-35 age segment of the Irish population.

From our food waste attitudes survey and segmentation analysis*, it was identified that this group reported a poor understanding of behaviours they need to follow to reduce their food waste, yet have some motivation to improve and an interest in climate change. With these insights, we targeted digital advertising to raise awareness of reducing food waste to this audience and their concern for climate change.

For a modest campaign over three days, there were 104 092 impressions, a reach of 67 830 people and 24 clicks to the campaign article 5 ways to reduce your food waste on the Stop Food Waste website. We plan to build on targeting this audience through future campaign topics and building relationships with people they may follow on social media.

* For more information about Ireland’s food waste population segments, please check a previous news item from the newsletter’s February 2021 edition.

Image: © EPA Stop Food Waste