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European Food Banks Federation

Online workshop on economic indicators, new report on the situation of European food banks post COVID-19 and annual report 2019.

date:  15/07/2020

Quantifying the impact of European food banks: economic indicators

This year, the European Food Banks Federation (FEBA) is working on quantifying the impact of European food banks, defining common Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and promoting an online Observatory on food donation. After the kick-off meeting and 2 online workshops, the 3rd online workshop took place on 23 June 2020.

In the last workshop, 21 participants from the food banks world and from academia, as well as EU institutions, worked on the most important economic indicators for food banks.

To gain a broader overview on the project, please visit FEBA’s dedicated webpage.


Report on the situation of European food banks in a post COVID-19 Europe

FEBA shares daily news on its website and the Social Emergency Fund webpage regarding actions taken by European food banks to tackle food waste during this period of food emergency.

FEBA has recently published a report highlighting an increase in food demand, the engagement of new young volunteers, and the collaboration with donors and partners in the last few months.

Read more here.


Annual report 2019:

FEBA has recently published their annual report for 2019. Throughout last year, FEBA’s members redistributed 768,000 tonnes of food, equivalent to 4.2 million daily meals, through 45,283 charities, assisting 9.5 million deprived people, thanks to 32,280 co-workers.

Please find the report here and the relevant video here.