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EFSA: Commission launches procedure for the Management Board

date:  28/05/2019

The Commission is organising a selection procedure to replace 7 out of 14 members of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) whose mandates will expire on 30 June 2020. The call for expressions of interest is published in the Official Journal of the European Union: OJ C 179 of 24 May 2019. The deadline for submission of applications is 19 July 2019.

The Management Board is responsible for the general monitoring of the work of the Authority to ensure that it carries out its mission and performs the tasks assigned to it in accordance with its mandate and within a culture of independence and transparency. The Management Board also appoints the Executive Director and members of the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Panels. The Management Board is composed of 14 members, plus a representative of the Commission. Four of the members shall have their background in organisations representing consumers and other interests in the food chain.

Once all applications have been submitted, the Commission will draw up a list of candidates to send to the Council, which will then appoint the new Management Board members in consultation with the European Parliament.

The appointment is expected in June 2020 for the period of 4 years starting on 1 July 2022. However, the duration of the term of office will be subject to amendments when the European Parliament and the Council formally adopt the new Regulation on the transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain amending Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and eight other Union acts (‘Transparency regulation’) in the course of summer 2019. The new Transparency Regulation is expected to enter into application in the first half of 2021, after the appointment by the Council of the 7 members selected on the basis of this call for expressions of interest. As such, the term of office shall end on 30 June 2022.

The Application Form and Declaration of Interest Form are accessible here.