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Animal welfare: the Commission adopts a report on the impact of animal welfare international activities

date:  26/01/2018

Today the Commission has adopted a report on the impact of animal welfare international activities on the competitiveness of European livestock producers in a globalised world. The report reviews the main international activities carried out by the Commission in the last decade and evaluates their outcomes in promoting animal welfare standards globally as well as in contributing to ensure a level playing field between EU and non-EU operators.

Animal welfare international activities are a long-term investment, based on awareness raising, capacity building and funding. The report highlights that the Commission, together with the Member States, has played a prominent and decisive role in raising global awareness on animal welfare, leading to significant results both at bilateral and multilateral level. The issue of animal welfare is now included in the dialogue with non-EU countries, inspiring a number of voluntary initiatives in this area. The document also stresses that the global promotion of EU standards on animal welfare contributes to the long term objective to improve animal welfare in the world and reduce unfair trading practices, by valorising the added market value of products obtained under such standards.

The Commission's report and related preparatory study are available on our Animal Welfare - International Issues webpage