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Meet Ireland’s food waste population segments

date:  24/03/2021

The Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducted a food waste segmentation analysis of the Irish population in October 2020 to understand the underlying motivations of various groups in the population and to identify who to target with household food waste awareness and prevention activities.

The segmentation analysis identified five food waste population segments in terms of varying food waste awareness and adoption of prevention behaviours. An overarching finding from the analysis is that people who actively think about food waste are more likely to adopt good food reduction behaviours.

The insights from this profiling have informed the development of the 2021 plan for awareness raising and intervention activities on household food waste through targeted communications. The focus is on specific population segments who report high levels of food waste and some awareness for wasting food. The aim is to shift the awareness of these population segments to think more regularly about food waste prevention and promote adoption of positive food management behaviours.

The food waste segmentation analysis is a valuable resource to support planning and targeting of household food waste awareness and prevention activities in Ireland.


© EPA & B&A