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List of additional new Data and Indicators with a short summary

New Data and Indicators

date:  28/01/2021

Additional Data and Indicators

Key Messages

New High-Growth Enterprises data from Eurostat

According to the last figures, in 2018, about 172 000 companies were classified as high-growth enterprises in the EU, an increase of 2.4% in comparison with 2017, and corresponding to 11.9% of all active enterprises with at least 10 employees. The highest share of high-growth enterprises was recorded in Greece (16.9%), Netherlands (16.3%) and Spain (16.1%). The highest proportion of high-growth enterprises was in the ‘Information and communication’ sector (accounting for 18.0% of active enterprises).

Women in Digital Scoreboard 2020

According to the Commission’s 2020 Women in Digital (WiD) Scoreboard, only 18% of ICT specialists are women and the gender gap is present in all 12 indicators measured. Finland, Sweden and Denmark are home to some of the most active women in the digital economy, while women in Bulgaria, Romania and Greece are the least likely to be taking part, either through employment, use of internet, or skills.

Education at a Glance 2020

According to the new Education at Glance 2020, published by OECD, total spending on educational institutions has increased at a lower rate than GDP. At the tertiary level, total spending amounted to USD 16 300 per student in 2017 on average across OECD countries. At this level, 68% of total spending in tertiary education comes from public sources compared to 90% at lower levels of education.

Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities 2020

Harvard University (US) tops the ranking list for the 18th year. Stanford University (US) and the University of Cambridge (UK) remain the No. 2 and No. 3, respectively. In the EU, the best university is Paris-Saclay University (FR) at No. 14, followed by University of Copenhagen (DK) at No. 26.  

World Intellectual Property Indicators Report

According to latest figures from WIPO, worldwide trademark and industrial design-creation activity rose in 2019 by 5.9% and 1.3% respectively. However, patent applications marked a rare decline of -3%, driven by a drop (the first in 24 years) in filings by Chinese residents.

 The Global Competitiveness Report

In this special edition, the report presents the priorities for recovery and revival from the pandemic, instead of presenting the usual Global Competitiveness Index. The report covers 4 main dimensions: enabling environment, human capital, markets and innovation ecosystem.

Data on renewable energy from Eurostat

At EU level, the share of gross final energy consumption from renewable sources reached 19.7% in 2019. Sweden with a share of 56.4% had by far the highest share among the EU Member States in 2019. When looking at the national targets, 15 Member States are above their target levels for 2020 and 6 countries are near their targets.

Telecommunications employment rose in Q2 2020

The number of people (aged 20 to 64) who were employed in the telecommunications sector increased in the first two quarters of 2020 by 21% when compared with the second quarter of 2019. The figures show a clear impact of the covid-19 pandemic, where safety measures implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic were likely to have provided a boost to employment in the EU telecommunications sector.