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Government AI Readiness Index 2020

According to Government AI Readiness Index 2020, the United States of America come first, followed by United Kingdom, Finland, Germany and Sweden.

date:  28/01/2021

On September 2020, Oxford Insights and the International Research Development Centre (IDRC) presented the third edition of the Government AI Readiness Index. The Government AI Readiness Index ranks governments around the world according to their readiness to implement AI in the delivery of public services to their citizens.

The 2020 Index has a new methodology, starting from the same ‘exam question’ as in 2017 and 2019: How ready is a given government to implement AI in the delivery of public services to their citizens? Last year’s index is built with 33 indicators, across 3 pillars (Government, Data and Infrastructure and Technology Sector) divided into 10 dimensions. The authors use this year’s Index as a tool to compare the current state of government AI readiness in countries and regions across the globe.

According to their findings, The United States of America come first, followed by United Kingdom, Finland, Germany and Sweden.

For the 2020 report, the authors also included a sub-index for Responsible AI in order to assess quantitatively how responsibly governments make use of AI, covering 34 countries. Estonia comes to the top of the sub-index, followed by Norway, Luxembourg, Finland and Sweden.

Government AI Readiness Index 2020

More information.


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