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European COVID-19 Data Platform

The European Commission in collaboration with European organisations launched the European COVID-19 Data Platform in April 2020. The Platform is a leading example on how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) enables researchers to share, access and analyse COVID-19 related data.

date:  27/01/2021

The Commission together with European Bioinformatics Institute of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL-EBI), ELIXIR and other partners launched the European COVID-19 Data Platform in April 2020. The Platform is a leading example on how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) enables researchers to share, access and analyse COVID-19 related Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) unrestricted data to support the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and effective vaccines.

The COVID-19 Data Portal of the Platform grows rapidly and counts today more than 0,5 million records. Of these, over 220,000 are raw viral sequences and 47,000 assembled sequences from over 550 institutions (graph below). The data portal has served almost 3,7 million requests by 114,631 unique users from over 170 countries. Along with the main European COVID-19 Data Portal there are five National Data Portals connected to the Platform (Japan, Norway, Poland, Slovenia and Sweden). The highest numbers of submitted raw data to the Platform come from several European countries such as United Kingdom, Netherlands, Ireland, and Denmark (list to the right below).

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