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EU Research and Innovation Data at Your Fingertips

What about collaboration in Horizon 2020? Who does your country collaborate with? On which projects? To find out more, have a look to the horizon dashboard country profiles collaboration page.

date:  22/06/2020

What about collaboration in Horizon 2020? Who does your country collaborate with? On which projects?  To find out more, have a look to the horizon dashboard country profiles collaboration page

To find out more about how the European Innovation Council (EIC) pilot supports top-class innovators, entrepreneurs, small companies and scientists with bright ideas and the ambition to scale up internationally, have a look to the EIC dashboard. In this dashboard you will now be able to filter data by EIC scheme (Accelerator, Pathfinder, FTI and EIC Horizon Prizes) but also by topic.

Those are only two examples of data available at your fingertips but much more is available in the Horizon Dashboard. Enjoy the data discovery!