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A toolkit for performance-based research funding

More countries are adopting Performance-based Research Funding Systems (PRFS) to improve their research and innovation systems. A Horizon 2020 PSF Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) brought together practice and experience with this relatively new policy instrument from around Europe and beyond, providing a platform for an extensive discussion on the challenges related to the design and role of PRFS. The work delivered a comprehensive report full of insights on the different policy options, and recommendations for optimal PRFS design.

date:  29/06/2018

A relatively new tool, PRFS assess the quality of university research according to various performance criteria and then use the results, via a formula, to allocate funding for universities and their research. While these systems can vary considerably from one country to another, the MLE set out to identify practices and share experiences to help countries design an optimal research evaluation and institutional funding system.

The outcome of the MLE is a comprehensive toolkit that brings together evidence and experience about when and how PRFS can be used to support policy development. The report’s eight chapters cover the policy mix for research governance, the sources and types of information used, the assessment process, the use of assessment results in funding formulae, and the effects of PRFS – both intended and unintended. A summary report, and summary article, present the key lessons learned and recommendations.

For further information:

The summary article on the PSF MLE on Performance-based Funding of Public Research Organisations

The summary report of the PSF MLE on Performance-based Funding of Public Research Organisations

The full final report of the PSF MLE on Performance-based Funding of Public Research Organisations

More information on the PSF MLE on Performance-based Funding of Public Research Organisations