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Tunisia at the crossroads: how to boost research and innovation?

At the crossroads of the Atlas Mountains, Sahara Desert and Mediterranean Sea, Tunisia is a land of rich diversity, history, beauty and untapped potential. Keen to add another superlative to this list, Tunisia has set out in March 2018 to boost its research and innovation (R&I) system with the help of a PSF expert panel. Chaired by Philippe Busquin, former European Commissioner for Research, the experts’ fact-finding missions will build a detailed picture of how the R&I system works, with a specific focus on research-industry collaboration and the design of national research priorities.

date:  16/03/2018

Tunisia is the first EU-associated country outside Europe to request Specific Support from the PSF to boost its ongoing national R&I restructuring and reform efforts. The 11-months investigation, which includes field work, will focus on two key areas: policy mechanisms to link science with business and promote private participation in R&D, and methodologies for defining research priorities. By studying what is working and what can be improved, this will culminate in a set of operational recommendations for the Tunisian government to act on.

Following two on-the-ground visits to Tunisia, in May and September this year, the experts from Austria, Belgium, Italy, France, Spain and Switzerland will analyse their findings and deliver in January 2019 tailored policy recommendations, as well as operational advice on how to implement them. With a clearer picture of the R&I landscape, the experts will report on governance, policy and the smart specialisation instruments needed to strengthen public-private cooperation in research, aiming to secure the full commitment of all stakeholders.

For more information:

Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility Specific Support to Tunisia

Factsheet on the new Policy Support Facility Specific Support to Tunisia