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Cancer Mission - clusters


date:  03/07/2024

The EU Cancer Mission has developed project clusters to build a portfolio of projects that address the Mission objectives: 1. Understanding, 2. Prevention and early detection, 3. Diagnosis and treatment, and 4. Quality of life.

These clusters bring together projects funded under each call topic. The goal is to maximise the investment the EU Cancer Mission makes in research by engaging researchers who lead the projects in building synergies among projects, conducting joint activities, and ensuring researchers benefit from each other’s insights. This activity will ultimately contribute to mobilising the cancer research community at large, ensuring coherent messages are communicated about what research can achieve for them. 

Click here to know more about the clusters!

#EU Cancer Mission: first project cluster policy webinar - Understanding cancer

Join the first #EUHPP webinar on the Cancer Mission cluster “Understanding cancer” on 4 July 2024! 

Listen to stakeholders’ perspectives on research and innovation, providing an early look at the cluster projects launched under the Cancer Mission. Learn how to better utilise project results around understanding cancer.

Read the agenda and register here.