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2nd EU Blue Parks Community workshop

Join us in Brussels on the 7 March 2024 for our next community workshop, 'Effective management of marine protected areas’ held alongside the Mission Forum and EU Ocean Days.

date:  24/11/2023

After the success of the first virtual EU Blue Parks Community workshop, the EU Blue Parks initiative is now planning an in-person event. The second workshop will take place on 7 March, during the EU Ocean Days Pre-register here for the event.   

The workshop will bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss and share insights on the challenges and opportunities in marine and freshwater biodiversity protection. Through a blend of presentations, case studies, and interactive discussions, the workshop will highlight key EU funded projects and research innovations in effective marine and coastal protection, delve into policy development needs, and explore participatory approaches from EU Member States, regional, and local stakeholders. It's a crucial moment for the EU Blue Parks Community and an important opportunity for discussion and networking.  

The focus will be on how to effectively manage marine protected areas, including coastal and other land-sea interaction protected areas. For more information and to sign up, please visit the event page on the Mission Service Portal and find here the entire programme of the European Ocean Days