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Quality of Europe's bathing waters remains high

The latest annual Bathing Water report reveals that the majority of bathing water sites in Europe met the EU's highest water quality standards in 2022. The report, compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in collaboration with the Commission, identifies the cleanest bathing sites in Europe for the summer.

date:  03/07/2023

Coastal sites generally have better water quality than inland river and lake sites. In 2022, 88.9% of coastal bathing sites and 79.3% of inland sites were classified as excellent. Countries like Cyprus, Austria, Greece, and Croatia had 95% of their bathing waters meeting the excellent standard, while others like Malta, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, and Luxembourg met at least the minimum quality standard. Over the years, the percentage of excellent bathing sites has increased and remained stable, reaching 85.7% in 2022.

Poor water quality sites have reduced to only 1.5% of all bathing waters, indicating a decreasing health risk. Coastal waters generally have better quality due to higher self-purification capacity, while inland waters are more vulnerable to short-term pollution. Over 1,800 bathing waters are located in cities, contributing to the quality of life and ecosystems. The report is based on monitoring over 21,000 bathing sites across Europe.

The Commission is currently evaluating the Bathing Water Directive to assess its effectiveness in protecting public health and improving water quality. The directive is one of several EU laws that safeguard water resources.