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Europe Direct Valletta hosts Network of Networks meeting

On March 22, SEM and Europe Direct Valletta brought together EU-related national contact points and information providers in Malta, to coordinate the preparations for Europe Day 2023 and the European Parliament Elections 2024.

date:  31/03/2023

The meeting first started off with a roundtable introduction of the entities present. This was then followed with a presentation by SEM as the host entity for Europe Direct Valletta and on the preparations leading up to the event being held on Europe Day in Valletta on May 9. Here, the logistical aspects as well as the programme of activities were presented and discussed.

The floor was then taken over by Europe Direct Gozo, who gave an overview of the preparations being undertaken for marking Europe Day in Gozo with a public event to be held on April 29.

This was then followed by a short presentation by the European Parliament Liaison Office in Malta, who gave an update on the efforts already being undertaken in relation to the upcoming 2024 European Parliament Elections and presented an overview of the website, which the entities were encouraged to access and promote.

Participants hailed from the following entities: Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta, Europe Direct Valletta, Europe Direct Gozo, Europe Direct CORE Platform, European Parliament Liaison Office in Malta (EPLO), European Commission Representation Malta, European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), European Employment Services (EURES), Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST), EU Programmes Agency (EUPA), Strategy & Implementation Division, SOLVIT Malta, European Consumers Centre (ECC Net), Entitlement Unit – Ministry for Health.

This was the first Network of Networks meeting of this year, bringing together EU information providers and national contact points to strengthen collaboration in the provision of several different EU related services to EU citizens in Malta.