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Michael Noonan's last big speech - CSR Conference in Dublin

Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan - in his "last significant speech" before stepping down as Minister - and Michel Servoz, Director General of the EU Commission's Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion DG were the keynote speakers at a Conference on Inclusive Growth organised by the EC Representation in partnership with the IIEA to present and discuss the 2017 European Semester Recommendations to Ireland, on 2 June 2017. The event was chaired by RTE's Economics Correspondent, Sean Whelan and panellists Rowena Dwyer, Chief Economist with the Irish Farmers Organisation and Paul Ginnell of the European Anti-Poverty Network led a lively Q&A session. (The European Pillar of Social Rights was also addressed in the context of the increased focus on ensuring that economic growth is inclusive and benefits all members of society.)

date:  08/06/2017

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