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EU fact of the week

EU fact of the week

date:  08/11/2019

Life satisfaction highest in Finland and Austria, lowest in Bulgaria

In 2018, the inhabitants of Finland were the most satisfied with their lives among people in EU countries. Figures by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, show an overall average of 8.1 life satisfaction in Finland. Life satisfaction represents how a respondent evaluates his or her life taken as a whole and is measured on a scale of 0 to 10. Finns were closely followed by Austrians (8.0) and then by people in Denmark, Poland and Sweden (all 7.8). At the opposite end of the scale, residents in Bulgaria (5.4) were by far the least satisfied, followed by those in Croatia (6.3), Greece and Lithuania (both 6.4), Hungary (6.5), Latvia andPortugal (both 6.7). For this survey, data is not available from Ireland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.

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