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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  28/06/2019

President Juncker attends G20 summit: upholding multilateralism and rules-based order

Addressing a press conference at the G20 Summit in Osaka  on 28 June, European Commission President Juncker said Europe stood ready to work with its G20 partners to offer stability and confidence the world needs. "We share many of the same challenges and we are undergoing many of the same transitions. Whether it be climate, digital or technological change, the issues that we will discuss over the next few days cut across boundaries, societies and economies. They require a concerted and comprehensive response within the multilateral rules-based system."  Mr Juncker is attending the two-day summit in Japan alongside Donald Tusk, European Council President and Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for economic and financial Affairs, taxation and customs.

In the margins of the G20, President Juncker will also hold a number of bilateral meetings, with Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, as well as with Prime Minister of Vietnam Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, and President of Argentina, Mauricio Macri.

Ahead of the Summit, Presidents Juncker and Tusk set out in a letter to EU leaders the EU's priorities at this year's summit which include: championing multilateralism, boosting confidence in the global economy and the reform of the World Trade Organization, to harnessing the digital transformation, addressing inequalities as well as tackling global challenges, such as climate change, migration and the fight against terrorism.

Facts and Figures about the European Union and the G20

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EU set to sign trade and investment agreements with Vietnam

On 25 June, EU government ministers approved the EU-Vietnam trade and investment agreements paving the way for their signature in Hanoi on Sunday, 30 June. After Singapore, the agreements with Vietnam are the second to have been concluded between the EU and a Southeast Asian country and represent stepping stones to a greater engagement between Europe and the region. The agreements are set to bring unprecedented benefits for European and Vietnamese companies, consumers and workers, while promoting respect for labour rights and the fight against climate change under the Paris Agreement. Commenting on Vietnam's engagement during the negotiations, Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström said: "Vietnam's recent ratification of the International Labour Organisation Convention on collective bargaining is an excellent example of how trade agreements can encourage higher standards."

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Commission report shows sound financial management of the EU budget and tangible results delivered for EU citizens 

On 25 June, the Commission published the latest Annual Management and Performance Report (AMPR) to highlight the concrete results achieved by the EU budget in terms of creating jobs and growth and investing in Europe's youth. In particular, in 2018 the EU budget helped mobilise a total of over €400 billion of investments under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) which by 2020 is expected to create over 1.4 million jobs in the EU. The EU budget also addressed another important priority for Europeans – climate change and in 2018 some 20.7% of the budget was spent on climate change-related action. In addition to singling out other achievements in areas such as: migration, the security union, cutting-edge research and the EU's external action, the report also confirms that the EU budget is well-managed. The AMPR together with the State of the Union and the General Report provide a comprehensive picture for EU citizens of the European Union's achievements and the role the EU budget plays in translating priorities into results.

EU Cybersecurity Act brings new EU-wide rules on cybersecurity certification

On 27 June the European Cybersecurity Act entered into force.  Agreed by EU negotiators in December 2018, the new rules equip Europe with a framework of cybersecurity certification of products, processes and services and reinforce the mandate of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity. The European cybersecurity certification framework will boost the cybersecurity of online services and consumer devices by enabling the creation of tailored and risk-based EU certification schemes. At the same time the new permanent mandate of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity includes increased responsibilities and resources to better support member states with tackling cybersecurity threats and attacks.

In May 2019, the Council also established a sanctions regime, which allows the EU to impose targeted restrictive measures to deter and respond to cyberattacks which constitute an external threat to the EU and its member states.

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EU adopts new €100 million assistance package to benefit refugees and local communities in Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq

On 27 June, the EU – via the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis - adopted a new €100 million assistance package to support refugees, internally displaced persons and host communities in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. The EU Regional Trust Fund supports refugees to become increasingly economically self-reliant. Through access to income generating opportunities, they are able to take their livelihoods in their own hands, provide for themselves and preserve their dignity. At the same time the fund also supports host communities and Syria's neighbours in their effort to expand their economies while coping with challenges related to the ongoing conflict. The €100 million aid package consists of: €55m to support the resilience of refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities in Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq; €28.4m for access to higher education for refugees and vulnerable host youth in Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq; €12.5m to provide protection services to children and women victim of gender based violence in Lebanon; €3.6m to continue and strengthen the Trust Fund's horizontal monitoring and evaluation framework.

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Asylum applications in the EU return to pre-crisis levels in 2018

New figures published by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) show that asylum applications in the EU have decreased for the third consecutive year and have returned to pre-crisis levels. In 2018, a total of 664,480 applications for international protection were recorded in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The overall trend of greatly reduced numbers has continued in 2019, despite an increase during the first 5 months of 2019. Commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos said: "The strong decrease in asylum applications in the EU is the result of our joint EU efforts on all fronts. We are now better managing our borders, we have put in place strong partnerships with countries of origin and transit, and we have greatly increased our efforts to protect migrants along the road and fight the root causes of irregular migration.

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EC study assesses differences in composition of EU food products

A Commission study has revealed that 9% of food products tested from across the EU differ in composition, although the front of pack information was identical, whilst a further 22% of products with different composition had a similar front of pack. The study – which did not show a consistent geographical pattern - analysed nearly 1,400 food products in 19 EU countries to better understand the dual quality of food products in the EU.  It was carried out by the Commission's in-house science and knowledge service the Joint Research Centre. Based on the new methodology developed, national competent authorities will now be able to perform the case-by-case analysis required to determine misleading practices prohibited under EU consumer law.

In conjunction, the Commission launched a new call for proposals with a total budget of €1.26 million to strengthen consumer organisations' capacities to test products and identify potentially misleading practices.

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All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here