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EU and the UK

EU and the UK

date:  15/03/2019

President Juncker and Prime Minster May meet in Strasbourg

On 11 March, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and UK Prime Minister Theresa May had a meeting at the European Parliament in Strasbourg to discuss the UK's withdrawal from the EU. After the talks the two leaders held a joint press conference.

Full statement of President Juncker at the press conference

More information:

  • Letter from President Juncker to President Tusk.
  • Commission Communication on the endorsement of the results of the discussions with the United Kingdom.
  • Instrument relating to the agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom.
  • Joint statement supplementing the Political Declaration setting out the framework for the future relationship between the EU and the UK.

EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier addresses the European Parliament

On 13 March EU Chief Negotiator for Article 50 negotiations Michel Barnier addressed the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg and updated the MEPs on the state of the negotiations with the United Kingdom.

Full statement of Michel Barnier to the European Parliament

European Parliament adopts several “no-deal” Brexit contingency measures

The Commission welcomed on 14 March the swift adoption by the European Parliament of a number of “no-deal” contingency measures. These will help ensure that the EU is fully ready for a “no-deal” scenario on 29 March. The proposals adopted include: ensuring for a limited period of time basic air, road and rail connectivity, as well as allowing for continued reciprocal fishing access for EU and UK fisheries until the end of 2019 and the provision of compensation to fishermen and operators in such a scenario. Other proposals adopted include the continuation of the PEACE programme on the island of Ireland until the end of 2020, as well as protecting the rights of Erasmus+ participants, and certain social security entitlements of those people who exercise their right to free movement before the UK's withdrawal. Technical measures on ship inspections and the re-alignment North Sea–Mediterranean Core Network Corridor were also adopted.

Brexit preparedness

Latest news on the Article 50 negotiations can be found here

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