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EU and the UK

date:  20/07/2018

Communication on preparing for the UK's withdrawal from the EU

On 19 July, the European Commission adopted a document outlining the ongoing work on the preparation for all possible outcomes of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union on 30 March 2019. This will have repercussions for citizens, businesses and administrations in both the UK and the EU. These repercussions range from new controls at the EU's external border with the UK, to the validity of UK-issued licences, certificates and authorisations and different rules for data transfers. The text calls on member states and private parties to step up preparations and follows a request by the European Council (Article 50) last month to intensify preparedness. Preparing for the UK's withdrawal is not only the responsibility of the EU institutions. It is a joint effort at EU, national and regional levels, and also includes in particular economic operators and other private parties.

More information

Following a General Affairs Council today (20 July), EU Chief Negotiator for Brexit Michel Barnier said several elements in the UK's White Paper open the way for a constructive discussion leading to a political declaration on the future EU-UK relationship. He added that the White Paper raises three series of issues as to the future economic partnership: are the proposals compatible with the principles set out by the 27 Heads of State and Government? Are the proposals workable and applicable without any additional bureaucracy? Are the proposals in the economic interest of the EU?

Michel Barnier's full remarks

Latest news on the Article 50 negotiations can be found here

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