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EU and the UK

EU and the UK

date:  13/07/2018

Western Balkans summit: building stronger links within the region and with the EU

Heads of Government, Foreign Ministers and Ministers of Interior from the Western Balkans, their counterparts from several EU member states and high-level EU representatives met in London on 9 and 10 July for the London Summit on the Western Balkans. The aim of the summit was to strengthen regional cooperation between the six partners of the Western Balkans, as well as between the region and the EU.

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Michel Barnier in the United States

EU Chief Negotiator for Brexit Michel Barnier was in the United States this week and spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations, the European American Chamber of Commerce and the US Chamber. He stressed that the EU is negotiating to avoid a "no deal" but warned that such an outcome cannot yet be excluded. He added that about 80% of the deal has been agreed. On the future relationship with the UK he said "We want an ambitious future relationship with the UK – not only in trade, but also in police and judicial cooperation and in foreign policy, security and defence. However, the basis for such cooperation between the UK and the 27 EU countries will necessarily be different".

Michel Barnier will also speak at Carnegie Endowment today (13 July) at 2PM BST. Watch here

Michel Barnier's full speech at the European American Chamber of Commerce

Watch Michel Barnier's speech at the Council on Foreign Relations

Latest news on the Article 50 negotiations can be found here

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