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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  15/06/2018

Long-term EU budget

This week, the European Commission set out more detail on its long-term EU budget (multi-annual financial framework for 2021-2027 – MFF) for certain sectors. The Commission proposed:

The Commission also proposed a new €10.5 billion European Peace Facility, an instrument outside the EU's long-term budget, which will help improve the EU's ability to prevent conflicts, build peace and guarantee international security.

More detail here

You can read more about last week's announcements, including sectors such as research and innovation and infrastructure investment here.

Countering the illicit arms trade: new proposal for an integrated EU approach

On 13 June, the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini and the Commission adopted a Joint Communication proposing an EU strategy against illicit firearms, small arms and light weapons (SALW). The Joint Communication aims to prevent and curb the illicit acquisition of firearms by terrorists, criminals and other unauthorised actors, as well as to promote accountability and responsibility with regard to the legal arms trade.

More information

Commission welcomes ambitious agreement on further renewable energy development in the EU

On 14 June, an ambitious political agreement on increasing renewable energy use in Europe was reached between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. The deal means that two of the eight legislative proposals in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package have already been agreed by the co-legislators. The new regulatory framework includes a binding 32% target for the share of renewable energy in overall energy use in the EU by 2030, with an upward revision clause by 2023.

Statement by EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete

All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here