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EU fact of the week

EU fact of the week

date:  19/01/2018

Plastic waste

Every year, Europeans generate 25 million tonnes of plastic waste, but less than 30% is collected for recycling. Across the world, plastics make up 85% of beach litter. And plastics are even reaching citizens' lungs and dinner tables, with microplastics in air, water and food having an unknown impact on their health. Plastic packaging accounts for 60% of all plastics waste and 95% of the economic value is lost. Every second approximately 700 kg of plastic is dumped in the ocean. Global plastic production has multiplied by 20 since the sixties. "If we don't change the way we produce and use plastics, there will be more plastics than fish in our oceans by 2050," said Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans, responsible for sustainable development.