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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  15/12/2017

EU Summits

EU heads of state and government gathered in Brussels this week to discuss a number of pressing issues.  On 14 December, EU leaders adopted conclusions on security and defence, social issues, education and culture, climate change, Jerusalem. In particular, EU leaders welcomed the launch of the permanent structured cooperation (PESCO) on defence and stressed the importance of quickly implementing the first joint projects.

The future of the economic and monetary union and the banking union, including the Commission's roadmap, was discussed during the Euro Summit.

European Council (Art. 50) - See EU and UK section below.

Conclusions of European Council Summit

European Union President Tusk remarks

Ambitious new approach to better protect EU citizens

The European Commission published proposals designed to upgrade EU information systems for security, border and migration management so they work together in a smarter and more efficient way and in turn help plug gaps and ensure information provided to border guards and police is complete, accurate and reliable. Described as an "ambitious new approach" by Commissioner for the Security Union Julian King, the new tools will help better detect people who pose a threat not only when crossing EU borders, but also when travelling within Schengen. By simultaneously cross-checking information in different databases and streamlining access by law enforcement, the new tools will quickly alert border guards or police if a person is using multiple or fraudulent identities. It will also help to better identify vulnerable people, such as unaccompanied minors.

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New tax guidelines to make life easier for cross-border investors

New guidelines on withholding taxes to help member states reduce costs and simplify procedures for cross-border investors in the EU were published on 11 December. Developed alongside national experts, the Code of Conduct offer solutions for investors who, as a result of how withholding taxes are applied, end up paying taxes twice on the income they receive from cross-border investments.  The recommendations will also lead to quick, simplified and standardised procedures for refunding withholding taxes where appropriate.

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It's a wrap – EU agrees to make parcel delivery more affordable

On 14 December, the European Parliament, Council and European Commission reached a provisional agreement on new EU rules to make pricing of cross-border parcel delivery services more transparent and affordable and to increase regulatory oversight of the EU parcel market. High delivery costs and unclear return options are amongst the biggest obstacles EU consumers and SMEs face when buying and selling online. The agreement, which now needs formal adoption by Parliament and Council, is expected to be applicable in 2019.

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Galileo constellation continues to grow

A further four satellites of the Galileo constellation were successfully launched into orbit from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana on 12 December.  This brings the total number of satellites to 22. The new satellites were launched a year after Europe's satellite navigation system started offering initial services to public authorities, business and the public such as enabling smartphones to navigate more efficiently and accurately, and helping emergency services reach accidents faster. Information about other Galileo enabled services here. Galileo is a key component of the Commission's Space Strategy, which focuses on fostering new services, creating business opportunities, promoting Europe's leadership in space and maintaining Europe's strategic autonomy.  A further four satellites are scheduled to be launched in 2018 with the Galileo constellation expected to reach operational capability by 2020.

All Galileo satellites are named after school children who won an EU-wide drawing competition. The four new satellites are called: Antonianna (Italy), Lisa (Hungary), Kimberley (Malta), Tijmen (Netherlands). Patrick (UK) will be amongst the last to be launched reflecting alphabetical order of EU member states.

Factsheet on EU space policy

A more united, stronger and more democratic Union for 2018-19

On 14 December, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker signed the new joint declaration on the EU's legislative priorities for 2018-2019, alongside President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani and holder of the rotating Council Presidency and Prime Minister of Estonia, Jüri Ratas. 

The declaration is a commitment to work intensively for the next 18 months on seven priority areas: security of citizens; reforming and developing EU migration policy; a new boost to jobs, growth and investment; the EU's social dimension; implementing a connected Digital Single Market; delivering an ambitious Energy Union and a forward looking climate change policy; and developing the EU's democratic legitimacy.

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New scientific standards to help early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

New scientific standards for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease were unveiled on 11 December. The standards apply to the calibration of diagnostic tools for more accurate diagnosis and may facilitate the development of new drugs to fight the disease.  The certified reference material was developed by the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine with support from the Alzheimer's Association. The EU has been supporting brain research for many years through framework programmes for research and innovation including the current one, Horizon 2020, which is providing some €500 million a year. Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia are estimated to cost society €167.5 billion a year.

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Pooling EU data will help tackle rare diseases better

The European Commission has set out a uniform standard for the collection of data on rare diseases in Europe. This will speed up research which hopefully will lead to improved treatments for patients. This is a first step towards ensuring that data collected by European registries is comparable and that these registers are interoperable. Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, highlighted how, by pooling knowledge and expertise, the EU can reach results that no single country could reach.

MEDIA-supported films sweep main prizes at 30th European Film Awards

The European Film Awards celebrated the best of European cinema in Berlin on 9 December. Seven films, supported by the EU Creative Europe MEDIA programme, received awards, including Loving Vincent (Poland, UK), the world's first fully painted animated feature, which picked up the European Animated Featured Film Prize and Lady Macbeth (UK) directed by William Oldroyd, which won the European discovery award - Prix FIPRESCI.

More information

All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here