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EU and the UK

EU and the UK

date:  24/11/2017

Relocation of UK-based EU agencies

The European Commission welcomed the agreement at the General Affairs Council on 20 November to move the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) to Amsterdam and Paris, respectively. Both agencies are currently located in London.

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The future of the EU

EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier spoke at a conference on the Future of Europe, organised in Brussels by the Centre for European Reform. Mr Barnier outlined ideas for a stronger Europe, such as a more complete banking union. He then went on to discuss Brexit. The EU's Chief Negotiator stressed that the EU will be ready in the event of the UK and EU reaching "no deal". But Mr Barnier also expressed his regret that this scenario comes up so often in the UK public debate. On Northern Ireland, he challenged "those who want Brexit" to offer solutions to avoid a hard border. Mr Barnier reminded the audience that the four freedoms which underpin the single market: free movement of goods, capital, services and labour – are indivisible. He added that as a consequence of the UK's decision to end free movement of people, the country will lose all single market benefits when it leaves the EU.

Michel Barnier's speech


UK projects to receive EU funding for energy infrastructure

Major energy infrastructure projects in which the UK is cooperating with North Sea and other European neighbours will receive EU funding. The announcement came as the Commission published on 24 November its third report on the State of the Energy Union showing that Europe's transition to a low-carbon society is becoming the new reality in the EU. The report also confirmed that energy transition is not possible without adapting infrastructure to the needs of the future energy system. To address this, the Commission adopted a policy document on strengthening Europe's energy networks.

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UK students play the role of EU leaders at mock EU summit

On 22 November, students from 32 schools across the UK gathered at the Law Society in Chancery Lane, London, to step into the shoes of EU leaders in a "mock Council", mimicking the format in which EU leaders discuss policy and take decisions.

The 64 pretend politicians discussed two key issues: the future of the United Kingdom in the Erasmus+ programme and the rights of EU citizens in the UK once it has left the European Union (see also picture of the week).

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