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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  10/11/2017

New CO2 targets to drive cleaner EU vehicle production

New lower CO2 emission targets for passenger cars and vans have been proposed to help the EU car industry accelerate the transition from conventional combustion engines to low and zero emission vehicles. The measures are seen as a decisive step forward in implementing the EU's commitments under the Paris Agreement for a binding domestic CO2 reduction of at least 40% till 2030, as well as ensuring a level playing field for those working in the industry in Europe.

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EU trade agreements in place deliver tangible benefits

On 9 November, the Commission published a report assessing the implementation of the EU's existing trade agreements. The report shows exports increased to as much as 416% for Mexico, 170% for Chile, and around 60% for South Korea and Serbia. The agricultural and car sectors appear to be benefiting the most (eg 244% increase in car exports to South Korea since 2011 and 92% and 73% increase to Colombia and Peru respectively for agricultural goods since 2013).

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All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here