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Main news from Brussels this week

Main news from Brussels this week

date:  27/10/2017

European Pillar of Social Rights

On 23 October, EU Ministers of Employment and Social Affairs unanimously endorsed the European Pillar of Social Rights. The pillar sets out 20 key principles and rights to support fair and well-functioning labour markets and welfare systems, aimed at achieving better working and living conditions in Europe. It is primarily aimed at the euro area but applicable to any EU member state wishing to participate.

Principles and rights fall into three main categories:

  • equal opportunities and access to the labour market, including skills development, life-long learning and active support for employment;
  • fair working conditions: an adequate and reliable balance of rights and obligations between workers and employers;
  • adequate and sustainable social protection: including access to health, social protection benefits and high quality services, such as childcare, healthcare and long-term care.

They will be declared by the Parliament, the Council and the Commission at the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth, on 17 November in Gothenburg.

EU ministers also reached a political agreement on the Commission's proposal to revise rules on the posting of workers confirming the Commission's key principle of equal pay for equal work at the same place.

2018 Work Programme

The European Commission adopted on 24 October its 2018 Work Programme.  It includes  26 new initiatives, falling into two broad categories.

First, proposals for legislation to complete work on President Juncker's ten political priorities before the end of the Commission's mandate. These will all be tabled by May 2018 to allow the European Parliament and Council – where elected MEPs and Ministers decide on EU laws - to complete the legislative work before the European elections of June 2019.

Second, a series of ambitious forward-looking initiatives that will shape an EU27 for 2025 and beyond.

The Commission also reviewed progress and set out the next steps to complete the Better Regulation Agenda as well as plans to withdraw 15 pending proposals no longer required.


€30bn in EU Research and Innovation funds for 2018-2020

EU Research, Science and Innovation Commissioner Carlos Moedas has announced how the EU will spend €30 billion (£26.6 billion) under its flagship Horizon 2020 programme over the period 2018-2020. Horizon 2020 will seek greater impact by focusing on fewer, but critical topics such as migration, security, climate, clean energy and digital economy.

Horizon 2020 will also be more geared towards boosting breakthrough, market-creating innovation, notably through piloting a European Innovation Council with €2.7bn (£2.4bn) in funding over the three years.

More details available here

All this week's key European Commission announcements can be found here